

Villas and Monuments


Villa Barbaro

Commissioned in 1500 by the Barbaro Brothers, refined connoisseurs of classical culture, it is considered one of the most beautiful villas ever designed by Andrea Palladio.
Inside, you will find frescoes by Paolo Veronese. In the remaining part of the villa you can also visit the Carriage Museum. The villa situated in an elevated position is in perfect balance with the surrounding landscape, and together with its scenic tree-lined avenue located beyond the public road, and the small temple built in the late 1500s, it is a destination for tourists from all over the world. Original activities such as photo tours, treasure hunts and exclusive events such as a visit to the garden, which is opened on very rare occasions, are often organised at the Villa.
Located 500 metres from our holiday farm, there are many historic villas that testify to the fact that over the centuries, the province of Treviso has been chosen as a holiday resort.
For reservations:


Villa Emo

In Vedelago, in the locality of Fanzolo, is the Villa Emo Capodilista, which the Counts Emo commissioned from Andrea Palladio. The Villa’s original function was agricultural and representative, and this can be seen from the two large barchesse (rural service buildings) on either side of the majestic central body. Inside and in the portico, you can admire the frescoes of Zelotti, a well-known pupil of Paolo Veronese.

For reservations


The Brion tomb

Commissioned to Carlo Scarpa by the Brion family and designed and built in the 1970s, the Brion tomb is located in  San Vito di Altivole. It is characterised by the typical element of Carlo Scarpa, water, a metaphor for the perennial flow of life. Together with its play of light and reflections and surrounded by an oriental garden, it represents one of the most fascinating funerary monuments of modern architecture.



Museums and Historic Villages


Museo Gipsoteca Antonio Canova and the Temple of Possagno
The Antonio Canova Museum is located in Possagno, where the great neoclassical sculptor was born.
The Museum consists of the 18th-century birthplace, where the artist’s oil and tempera paintings, drawings, clothes, working tools and books are kept, and the neighbouring and adjoining 19th-century Gypsotheca, which houses the original models of the plaster sculptures, which were housed in the Roman Studio at the time of the artist’s death: the marbles found all over the world are the replicas commissioned by sovereigns, princes, popes and emperors worldwide.
The plaster works were transferred to Possagno during the first half of the 19th century by Canova’s brother, Giovanni Battista Sartori.
Nearby, the majestic Temple, designed by Antonio Canova as a church in the village. The museum offers guided tours, workshops, exclusive experiences, including highly atmospheric ones at night.

For reservations


The historic village of Asolo

A small medieval village enclosed by ancient walls, it was defined by Giosuè Carducci as the “city of a hundred horizons” and was the destination of artists, poets, writers and actors who found inspiration here, including Eleonora Duse, Gian Francesco Malipiero, Freyka Stark, Robert Browning, Ernest Hemingway and many others.
Visit the 12th-century fortress and its typical taverns with local cuisine and “cicchetti veneziani” (Venetian snacks or side dishes). The Civic Museum, the Historical Archive and the evocative walls. To climb up to the Rocca, from which you can admire a breathtaking landscape, you start from Asolo’s main square and walk up the steps to the top of the castle
Surrounded by the Colli Asolani (Asolani Hills), wonderful routes depart from the city that can be taken by bicycle or on foot, which are charming throughout the year, especially in spring and autumn when nature is colourful, and which we heartily suggest you experience!


Follina, Il Molinetto della Croda

Polenta, as we know, is one of the typical dishes of the Veneto region, and there are many mills where the grains are (and were) ground to obtain the flour that was then used to make this dish, formerly known as a “poor man’s dish”.
One of these has no less than four centuries of history: the old “Mulinetto della Croda”, recently restored and open to visitors, active until 1953.
It is a mill that has inspired visitors and artists with its evocative beauty. It is situated on the Lierza stream, the main tributary of the Soligo river, which ultimately flows into the Piave river at Falzè.



Shop the Best Brands at Bargain Prices


Around the district of Montebelluna, called the “world city of sports footwear”, you will find several factories of well-known international brands with in-house outlets where you can shop at bargain prices!

The sports footwear sector has been the key player in the development of our local economy. To date, there are over 400 craft and industrial companies operating in the sector. To mention a few of them:

  • The North Face Outlet – Via Padova 21, Cornuda – 00 39 (0) 423 839 133
  • Lotto Sport Shops Factory Outlet – Via Padova 23,  Zona Industriale Cornuda 00 39 (0) 423 821400
  • Colle Sport – Via delle Industrie 10, Montebelluna 00 39 (0) 423 839780
  • Lafuma – Oxbow Outlet  Via Padova 19/B, Cornuda 00 39 (0) 423 839336
  • Salewa Via Feltrina Sud 154/A, Montebelluna 0039 (0) 423 604167
  • Diadora – Via Montello 80, Caerano di San Marco 0039 (0) 423 6581
  • Stonefly – Via XXX Aprile 89, Montebelluna 0039 (0) 423 303608
  • Febos Outlet – Via Marosticana, 39/A, Maser – 0039 (0) 423 565135  –

It is advisable to call to check the opening hours

percorsi maser sentiero


Walks on the trails


We suggest you visit this page to book guided tours of the most beautiful trails in our hills and province with our trusted nature guide Enrico Tirindelli

Here are some of the most beautiful routes proposed:


Montello, “The forest inside the Arsenal”

Amidst the remains of what was once the most important forest for the Venetian Republic, the famous hill offers the possibility of numerous routes for a short but fantastic nature and historical holiday, with an exceptional range of wines and typical products, available at renowned wine cellars, trattorias, holiday farms and restaurants.


The Asolo Hills

The area that extends from Cornuda and the Bosco del Fagaré to Asolo, and continues beyond the hills of Monfumo to Valcavasia, represents one of the most beautiful and gentle natural corners of the “Garden of the Serenissima”, with numerous routes suitable for amateurs and hikers including those with minimal fitness levels


The Prosecco Hills

Wonderful walks with tastings of typical products accompanied by the famous Prosecco wine, as well as excursions to discover the naturalistic and environmental features of the hills stretching from Valdobbiadene along the foothills between the left Piave district and the Revine Lakes area.


The Naturalistic Ring of Grappa

Three routes, for splendid hikes along paths and mule tracks, mountain huts and malghe (shepherd’s huts) of the Grappa massif, to explore an extraordinary environment, in terms of variety of environments and richness of life forms (with a flora of around 1400 species of vascular plants) and enjoy fantastic 360° views from the Dolomites to the Adriatic Sea.


The Piave River

its intermediate stretch, between Vidor and the Moriago plain on the left, and the Montello on the right, as far as the Grave di Papadopoli, the river unfolds in a series of typical environments of extraordinary beauty, providing the opportunity for beautiful excursions, amidst vast wild floodplains and valuable resurgence areas


ours are usually confirmed with a minimum of 4 participants. If there are 2 of you, we suggest you call the guide for an ad hoc price Enrico: 0039 328 0175442

vino e cicchetti


Restaurants and Taverns with Typical Cuisine

This is the selection of restaurants that we have chosen for you, where you can sample the local cuisine. Some of the following activities marked with an asterisk are part of the “Maser in Rete” association, which aims to promote local production activities and our excellence:



We recommend calling the numbers above to check opening hours and the possibility of reservations.