We are Francesca, Lucio, Simone, Maria, little Gioele, Grandma Maddalena and Filippo. Thoughtful, always attentive, we welcome you with simplicity and a smile on our face: this is because we want your stay to be exactly as you wanted it, for us, you are not just a guest but you are at home and therefore one of the family! Our hotel is first and foremost a farm: everything else is born from the work of the fields and from the love of nature. We have chosen this work out of passion, and with love we pursue it, reminding ourselves that nature if supported, is the best technology at the service of man. This is the philosophy of our wine production: respect for the environment and working the land according to sustainable principles.
Hello! I'm Mia, Francesca's poodle! I am the youngest of the staff, and my jolly and friendly nature goes with the style of our converted farmhouse. Modestly, I became the model of the Facebook profile of every guest who falls in love with me! I advised Francesca to open the doors to four-legged friends, to be able to play with them in the dedicated spaces, together with my friend Rocco, who is the soul of our farm: a rebel farmer, the undisputed leader of the gang!Let me introduce you to him, along with our other friends.

This is Rocco: that "I'm in charge here!" expression already says it all... need I say more? Although, he has been calming down lately. As they say, with age comes wisdom and tranquillity. In fact, we have recently adopted George, who is slowly making his way up the ladder and winning the title of leader. He is still young and has a lot to learn.

Gigi is the largest of the group, but that's no reason to be afraid of him. On the contrary: he's a real cuddle magnet. He lives for Simone, he's practically her shadow, and his only purpose in life is to be petted and cuddled. A former shepherd, the instinct to herd the flock has remained in his character... but he now attempts to do so with our friendly hens!
Gigi arrived together with George, and he was a great dog-sitter for him: they practically grew up together! And now it's Amy's turn. Gigi is (unsuccessfully) teaching her how to behave! She doesn't want to know about staying calm and composed.

Recently, Amy has joined our crew. I must say that we had a hard time trying to take a picture of her: she never stands still, she's boisterous, practically a mini earthquake in dog form! She's always running around or, in the rare moments she's standing still, gnawing on something new. Watch out for your shoes!
If I had to summarise her character, I would say: she lives to eat. Desperately seeking out food while we are sitting at the table (but not only then), she stands on two legs. I always tell her that she could go and work in the circus, but that doesn't frighten her or make her calmer: she loves playing and being chased by children, and is impossible to catch!

Let me introduce you to Nina! She was the lazy one of the crew... lying on the sofa and being pampered were her favourite sports! She loves children and throws herself tummy upwards for a minute of love.
Finally in the picture you can see Grandpa Leo
Both our friends crossed to the other side in 2020 and are still very much alive in our hearts.
"Dogs never really die. They fall asleep in our hearts."